Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Summative Evaluation of BRC-Fl WaSH Action Plan Programme 2017–2021 in Burundi, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Tanzania

KAC worked on a summative evaluation of the Belgian Red Cross - Flanders (BRC-Fl) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) project that was implemented in four countries – Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Mozambique - by Host National Societies (HNS) between 2017 and 2021. Primary data collection consisted of 21 key informant interviews (KIIs) with BRC-Fl and Red Cross National Society’s staff in the four countries. Focus group discussions (FGDs) with water committee members, volunteers and beneficiaries were organised in Mozambique in Vilanculos District. The main recommendations of the report are about the sustainability of water service delivery in rural areas that could be improved via the design of a sustainability framework and the mapping of response action in case of breakdown.

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