The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Principals have called for the commitment of donors to put in place the required incentives for the system to be more engaging and responsive to the needs of affected people.1 The Accountability to Affected People (AAP) Task force (TF) recognises that donors have a critical influence on the way organisations conduct their work. They have a powerful role in the drive for greater accountability to people in crisis, holding humanitarian actors to account, and incentivising course corrections based on engagement with affected people and their feedback. Donors can identify gaps, address administrative challenges and provide more predictable, systematic and flexible support for collective accountability to affected people. For this reason, the TF is developing a plan to engage with donors, working closely with the Grand Bargain (GB) Participation Revolution on the drive for greater AAP.
This review is the first stage of this process. It recognises that many recommendations have already been made, and has compiled a synthesis of these to affirm the work already undertaken. The review also included analysis of how donors are currently referencing commitments to AAP in their grant and partnership guidelines