In understanding the specific characteristics of livelihoods in conflict-affected areas of Uganda, the livelihood lens, proposed by Sue Lautze, focuses beyond assets: it focuses on the importance of liabilities, on how people cope with vulnerability in all components of a livelihood system, and, in doing so, draws attention to metaphysical assets and liabilities that represent material and immaterial implications for livelihood resources, strategies, and outcomes arising out of belief systems.
With these concepts in mind, fieldwork in
(i) Karamoja, Teso, West Nile, and Southern Sudan, carried out by teams from Mid-consult, and (ii) Acholi and Lango,
Carried out by teams from Utrecht University, Gulu University and Makarere University, mapped communities’ and humanitarian actors’ perspectives and assumptions regarding the impact of:
(i) humanitarian assistance on socio-cultural dynamics, and (ii) socio-cultural context on humanitarian assistance.