The UNHCR Tool for Participatory Assessment in Operations

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This Tool outlines a series of steps to follow for conducting a participatory assessment with refugees or other persons of concern. If applied systematically, it will ensure that women and men of all ages and backgrounds are given the opportunity to identify and voice their own protection risks, priorities, and solutions, and thus participate meaningfully in the development of the annual COP. While some offices already hold regular consultations with different groups of refugees, this Tool provides additional guidance with the aim of promoting a more systematic approach to participatory assessment and of assisting in systematizing the findings for more effective incorporation into planning processes.

The overall goal of this Tool is to assist offices in strengthening partnerships with persons of concern, in gathering baseline data for age, gender, and diversity analysis and in developing the most appropriate protection strategies through:

Analysing protection risks and incidents together with persons of concern;

Involving refugees in the design, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of services throughout the programme cycle;

Being accountable to the populations that UNHCR serves.

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