Research and Studies

Who funds what? Humanitarian research and innovation funding flows analysis.

The ‘Who funds what? Humanitarian research and innovation funding flows analysis’ is the first attempt to track humanitarian research and innovation (HRI) funding allocations within the humanitarian system*. Accompanied by the policy brief they both make the case for improved tracking of HRI funding flows.

We know that sectors that consistently invest in research and development are more productive and adaptive than those that do not. Our research demonstrates that the humanitarian system is investing in research and innovation (R&I). However, our knowledge of where this investment is going and what difference it is making remains patchy at best.

Key findings from the analysis:

The complexity and diversity of the funding mechanism for research and innovation requires better reporting tools to understand how much is being spent.

There is an urgent need to improve our knowledge about the destination of HRI funding. This will enable better coordination at all levels of the system to ensure that resources are targeted to areas and populations with the most pressing needs.

There is a remarkable disparity between the locations of funding recipients compared to the geographical focus of the research and innovation activities themselves; with most of the research and innovation resources both provided and received by actors in high-income countries.

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