World Vision’s 2024 Impact Report highlights the organization’s ongoing advocacy for stronger child protection frameworks, emphasizing that legal reforms must go hand-in-hand with effective enforcement and community involvement. Through collaborations with local leaders and civil society, practical measures like Kenya’s anti-child marriage initiatives demonstrate the importance of translating legislation into real-world protections. Empowering communities to lead child protection efforts is equally essential; Child Protection Committees and community-led reporting systems underscore how local ownership fosters accountability. However, long-term success requires sustained training, support, and resources to ensure these community-led systems endure and evolve.
Education and youth empowerment also play a critical role in fostering resilience and child advocacy. Mentorship programs that encourage youth to participate in decision-making are shaping future leaders who can drive policy change. Additionally, technology and media innovations, such as helplines and online reporting systems, are essential in extending access to child protection services, particularly in remote areas. Amid escalating challenges posed by climate change and conflict, World Vision stresses the urgent need for climate- and conflict-sensitive child protection strategies. Addressing these intertwined crises requires global cooperation to safeguard vulnerable children and strengthen resilience across communities.