Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Évaluation en temps réel de la réponse post-explosion (Beyrouth, 4 août 2020)

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Groupe URD carried out an initial real-time evaluation of the response to the explosion that took place in the Port of Beirut on 4 August. This involved an extended field visit in partnership with a firefighter specialised in CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) risks. The evaluation team met with UN agencies, European Delegation staff (DEU and DG ECHO), international and national NGOs, and Lebanese institutions (Ministries of Health, Defence and the Environment, and firefighters), and were able to establish an initial assessment of the response.

For more information about the Disaster Risk Reduction Network: https://www.urd.org/en/network/the-disaster-risk-reduction-network/

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