Évaluation indépendante finale du projet 'Intervention d'urgence en Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition suite au tremblement de terre dans la région de Port au Prince (Haïti) le 12 janvier 2010'

Terms of Reference

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The objective of the evaluation is to draw lessons learned and recommendations regarding the relevance of the “double-sided” approach used in the urban context that is Port-au- Prince, after the January 12th earthquake. This approach consists of: First, blanket supplementary feeding (BSF) for families with children from 6 to 59 months and/or lactating and pregnant women; secondly, Fresh Food Vouchers distributions to the general population where eligible BSF families are located. The evaluation will contribute to the technical and methodological capitalisation for this type of intervention. The evaluation should as well look at program definition and implementation and propose specific and concrete recommendations, both as a response to the emergency and to the longer term needs facing the affected population.

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