The cooperation between the ILO and the Republic of Korea (ROK) started in 2003 and has since then provided valuable contributions to Decent Work outcomes in the Asia/Pacific region, focusing on Skills, Social Protection, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and Public Employment Policy. Having passed the 15 years mark of cooperation in 2018, new approaches were defined for a further 3-year cycle to increase programme efficiency and long-term development policies.
This resulted in a stronger focus on three areas (Skills, Social Protection and OSH) with tailor-made technical assistance, as well as a focus on a number of selected countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam – the CLMV countries) and closer ties with Korean Partner institutions.
The new arrangement signed by both parties for the 2018-2020 cycle (GLO/17/01/ROK) covers 5 projects, of which 3 for the Asia/Pacific region: Promoting ASEAN initiatives in TVET and Skills for inclusive future (US$ 800.000) specifically targeting ASEAN, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar Supporting the implementation of sustainable social protection floors for the workers and their families in ASEAN – phase II (US$ 900.000) focusing on Cambodia, as well as Myanmar and Vietnam Establishing and Enhancing an Overall OSH framework in Myanmar and Lao PDR (US$ 300.000)