This is a recording of the 2021 ALNAP Meeting session 'Decolonisation, power and racial justice: mitigating barriers to reporting misconduct'.
In light of recent events urging the sector to do better on decolonisation, racial justice, and safeguarding, this session hears from Oxfam staff in Ghana and Iraq on the learning emerging from pilots seeking to mitigate barriers to reporting mechanisms.
Chair: Ania Gaboune, Oxfam
- Emily Tomkys Valteri, Oxfam
- Rhaea Russel-Cartwright, Oxfam
- Shahd Mousalli, Oxfam
- Keita Rose, Oxfam
- Samuel Boateng, Oxfam Ghana
- Ali Mohammed Sadeeq, Oxfam Iraq
- Johnson Naapi, Oxfam Ghana