Guidance and Tools

2nd ALNAP Meeting

Record of the Second Meeting 21-22 October 1997

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Those present introduced themselves. John Borton explained that whereas the focus of the first ALNAP meeting had, of necessity, been on conceptual and procedural issues that the intention was for this second meeting to focus on more practical issues. The programme was a full one that would begin with a lateral look to approaches towards accountability and performance issues in the UK social services sector which would then be followed by presentations by OFDA and MSF- Holland on their recent experiences in introducing, respectively, monitoring and performance monitoring systems. The second day would focus on ALNAP management issues, with feedback from the newly elected Steering Committee. This would be followed by presentations from Alistair Hallam on his study of best practice in the evaluation of humanitarian assistance programs and Koenraad Van Brabant’s discussion paper on institutional learning.

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