In its endeavour to strengthen the resilience of the Syrian people, UNDP implemented 199 local projects in 2016, that succeeded to touch the lives of 2,528,391 persons in 9 Syrian governorates through targeted early recovery and livelihoods restoration efforts in partnership with more than 45 local actors including NGOs, CBOs and FBOs. The implemented projects have provided 28,623 monthly job opportunities, which are disaggregated per target group as follows: 11,937 monthly job opportunities to IDPs, 7,694 to women, 6,103 to females heading households, 1,917 to people with disabilities and 15,973 to youth.
This was achieved through rehabilitation of community infrastructure and restoration of basic services using a labour-intensive approach, solid waste and debris management and quick repairs in affected Syrian governorates. It has also facilitated the revival of at least 120 businesses through productive assets replacement, start-up kits distribution, vocational training, job placements, value-chain development and market restoration. UNDP’s projects have contributed to stimulating the local economy through fostering local production and prioritizing local procurement.