This webinar took place on May 12, 2016 at 9 - 10:30 (EST), and addressed the following topics:
- The need for and purpose of linking humanitarian Cash Transfer Programmes (CTPs) with social protection;
- Where is the convergence and how can this be used for humanitarian CTPs;
- What are the challenges and opportunities;
- Some examples of how humanitarian CTPs have been linked with social protection in different contexts
The webinar was prompted by the publication of two recent papers: OPM's working paper on Conceptualising Shock-Responsive Social Protection, and CaLP’s, Working with cash based safety nets in humanitarian contexts: Guidance note for humanitarian practitioners. Panelist, Nupur Kukrety (Consultant, CaLP) is the author of the CaLP publication. Panelist, Clare O'Brien (OPM) is the manager of the research project that produced the OPM working paper.
Webinar Panelists:
- Nupur Kukrety (Consultant, CaLP)
- Clare O'Brien (Senior consultant, Poverty and Social Protection, OPM)
- Paula Gil Baizan (Advocacy Coordinator, CaLP)