A Real-Time Evaluation of ACF’s Response to the IDP Crisis in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Acf 2014 realtime evaluation kri final report png

Iraq is coping with one of the largest Internally Displaced Populations in the world as about 2 million Iraqis have been displaced since January 2014. The entire Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) hosts 47% of the total population (about 950,000 individuals). By far, the largest displaced population has been received in the governorate of Duhok with 429,948 displaced individuals by November 2014, i.e. 21% of the total displaced population. ACF humanitarian responses to the arrivals of IDPs in KRI in June and August 2014 can be qualified as largely successful. This overall appreciation is based on several indicators related to the relevance and effectiveness of ACF response. In total, ACF has been reaching about 180,000 of the most vulnerable displaced people since June, i.e. 18% of the total case load of IDPs who entered in KRI in 2014. This reflects a very good coverage – in particular because the nature of the intervention has been to a certain extent multi-sectorial. Many households and beneficiaries have been targeted both by food security intervention, WASH assistance and MHCP support. This RTE informs about the IDP response, as well as it highlights opportunities and challenges for future global emergency responses operations and approaches.

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