The Port au Prince case study is part of the Adapting to an Urban World project. The Adapting project was developed to address an identified gap in urban assessment tools. The aim of the project is to develop food security and vulnerability assessment guidance and tools specifically designed for use in urban contexts. In order to achieve this objective, the project will examine a number of different urban contexts with food insecure populations.
The specific objectives of the Port au Prince case study are as follows:
- Improve understanding of the factors defining vulnerability (at geographic and household level) within Port au Prince
- Test new methods of sampling in a context with limited census date
- Analyze standard food security indicators (food consumption, income, expenditure, coping, etc) to see if they accurately depict the condition of households in Port au Prince
- Analyze urban livelihoods
- Identify food security indicators that could potentially contribute to an urban monitoring system in Haiti
- Contribute to overall Adapting to an Urban World project learning
Resource collections
- Topics
- UN Habitat - Urban Response Collection
- Urban Response - Urban Crisis Preparedness and Risk Reduction
- Urban Response Collection - Community Engagement and Social Cohesion
- Urban Response Collection - Economic Recovery
- Urban Response Collection - Environment and Climate Change
- Urban Response Collection - Housing, Land and Property
- Urban Response Collection - Urban Crisis Response, Recovery and Reconstruction
- Urban Response Collection - Urban Resilience