Research and Studies

Adaptive management: What it means for CSOs

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Adaptive management is an approach to tackling international development challenges that are complex. The starting point is an assumption of uncertainty about what will work to address the challenge. It is then characterised by a flexible approach involving testing, monitoring, getting feedback and – crucially – making course-corrections if necessary. Adaptation is often defined as an alternative to approaches that emphasise adherence to detailed plans to solve development problems in a more linear, mechanistic way. In practice, the management of most interventions falls somewhere along a spectrum between linear and adaptive. Adaptive management is best understood as a broad approach, rather than as a specific method or set of tools.

This introductory paper is intended for managers and leaders in civil society organisations and funders, who are not already immersed in the issue. It provides insight into what adaptive management is, when and why it may be appropriate, and what may be required for organisations to adopt adaptive approaches.

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