Research and Studies

Afghanistan Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) Case Study Findings

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This case study report forms part of the findings from a Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) study on inter-agency collaboration for the delivery of cash-transfer programmes (CTPs). The relationship between various forms and levels of inter-agency collaboration for the delivery of CTP and the efficiency and effectiveness of these programmes was examined via four case studies. For further details on the study scope, methodology and findings across cases, please refer to the full study report.

The Afghanistan Emergency Response Mechanism (ERM) was selected as a case study to illustrate the ‘alliance’ form of inter-agency collaboration for sector-focused cash assistance, with semi-formal relationships and separate funding flows between members. It is distinctive from other cases in that cash assistance is, for the vast majority of beneficiaries, provided by members on a one-off basis in response to immediate shocks and displacement.

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