Research and Studies

Agonizing Choices; Syrian Refugees in Need of Health Care in Lebanon

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This report focuses on the consequences for Syrian refugees in Lebanon of not being able to access adequate health care. It does not intend to cover all aspects of the right to health for Syrian refugees; rather it exposes shortfalls in the health care system as one of the many serious issues faced by Syrian refugees in Lebanon, a country which is overburdened and under-resourced to sufficiently deal with the crisis. It concludes that the system in place to provide health care for Syrian refugees is inadequate and that the rights of refugees are severely compromised as a direct consequence of the international community’s failure to provide adequate funding. The report also notes that certain government policies in Lebanon are unduly restricting the potential for international actors to increase access to health care services. At the end of this report, a number of recommendations are made including to donor countries, the government of Lebanon and the UN.

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