Research and Studies

Aid for Nutrition - Maximising the Impact of Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions

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After decades of neglect nutrition has finally risen up the development agenda. There is a growing understanding of its importance for all aspects of development, both at the individual and household level, and for national economic development. The 1,000 day period from a child’s conception until their second birthday is now recognised as a crucial time: if nutrition is insufficient during this period, the effects are likely to be severe and irreparable. On the other hand, if effective interventions can be made during this ‘window of opportunity’, the benefits will last a lifetime. Bodies such as the Copenhagen Consensus have demonstrated how relatively small investments could reap huge returns in terms of lives saved, and human potential fulfilled. For those concerned with improving the lives of people in developing countries, particularly the poorest and most disadvantaged, there can be few higher priorities than childhood nutrition.

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