In collaboration with UNICEF, REACH conducted a multi-sector camp census in December 2013 which highlighted information gaps in regards to vaccination coverage, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices and reproductive health. Based on the findings and recommendations from the multi-sector camp census, REACH carried out a follow-up thematic assessment on health, with technical and financial support from UNICEF, and in consultation with UNFPA. The health assessment focused on routine vaccinations for children, breastfeeding practices, and reproductive health for women. Key findings from this assessment are briefly summarised below and presented in more details in the present report. For routine vaccinations, 41.1% of respondents across the camp reported visiting health centres to give their children under five years routine vaccinations, but this varied significantly between districts, with District 8 having the lowest percentage at only 26.8% of respondents. This is unsurprising given that District 8 comprises mainly new arrivals that may not yet be aware of the services available in the camp, and point to a need for greater awareness raising in this area, or perhaps during registration itself. Of those who had attended routine vaccination centres, 78.7% said that they had received a vaccination card, and 75.8% said they had been told when to return for follow up vaccinations.