ALNAP is the global network for advancing humanitarian learning. In 2023- 25, ALNAP will continue its work to improve the quality and performance of humanitarian action; ensuring the international humanitarian system benefitsfrom the sector’s collective experience, knowledge and learning and is betterable to provide principled assistance and protection to the most vulnerablepeople who are affected by crises. ALNAP will achieve this through:
- Hosting the largest library of humanitarian knowledge and evidence,providing access to learning for humanitarians across the sector.
- Rigorously distilling learning from across the system, helping humanitarians make sense of the vast amounts of evidence available.
- Creating collaborative spaces where humanitarians can exchangeinsights, experience and practical ideas beyond their organisational mandates in order to identify and act on improvements.
- Producing research, analysis and guidance where there are gaps inhumanitarian knowledge.
- Regularly reviewing and assessing the humanitarian system in our State of the Humanitarian System reports, shining a light on how the sector is performing
The work plan has been shaped in response to our interactions with members, as well as the work we have conducted over the last year on the 5th edition of the State of the Humanitarian System report and ALNAP’s 25th Anniversary Spotlight on Learning series.