Mongolia is a developing country with a per capita income of just US$ 440 in 2002 (World Bank, 2004). However, in terms of social indicators Mongolia ranks high among the developing countries. Some of Mongolia’s social indicators (e.g., literacy rate, school enrollment, immunization of children, child delivery in health facilities, etc.) are even comparable to developed countries’ indicators. Mongolia can be truly proud of these achievements.
In view of the request for expansion and up-coming Mid-Term Review of the Country Programme in September 2004, UNICEF planned this consultancy for an overall assessment of the CBSS/FES. The specific outputs expected from this consultancy are as follows:
• an assessment of the family empowerment strategy in terms of its effectiveness in creation of demand for, improving access to, and increasing utilization of basic social services critical to child growth and development among the disadvantaged and vulnerable groups;
• an assessment of FES in terms of its contribution to policy and programme development;
• an assessment of capacity building at national and sub-national level;
• an assessment of institutional framework for CBSS/FES and sustainability of FES; and
• an assessment of partnership with other developmental partners of Mongolia for CBSS/FES.