An WFP’s Nutrition Programs in the Karamoja region: Community Based Supplementary Feeding Programme (PRRO 200249) and Maternal Child Health Nutrition (CP 108070) in Uganda from 2013 to 2015

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The decentralized evaluation has been commissioned by the WFP Uganda Country Office and covers its Nutrition Programs in the Karamoja region in Uganda.

It was intended for both accountability and learning and focuses on assessing: i) the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, complementarity and coherence of the Community Based Supplementary Feeding Program (PRRO 200249) and Maternal Child Health Nutrition (CP 108070); ii) their results; and iii) the factors explaining the results.

The evaluation, which makes a number of recommendations for the future, was managed and conducted by a consultancy firm, with fieldwork taking place in August 2016.

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