Angola 2000: A real-time assessment of UNHCR’s IDP intervention

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In July 2000, UNHCR’s Operational Review Board decided that UNHCR’s IDP intervention in Angola, launched the previous month, should be subject to a ‘real-time evaluation’ in October 2000 in order to assess progress to date, and to make recommendations on the future of the programme. Responding to this operational imperative, and after consultations with the Assistant High Commissioner and the Africa Bureau, UNHCR’s Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit fielded a mission to Angola (Luanda, Uige) and South Africa (Pretoria) (29 October – 11 November 2000). The Department of International Protection was unable to send a staff-member on the evaluation, but has nonetheless been involved in a consultative capacity. The mission was undertaken in collaboration with Danida, and UNHCR and Danida will produce a joint review of the Angola operation. This document, while it both derives from and feeds into the joint review, is nonetheless separate from it, and geared to meeting immediate ORB requirements.

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