Research and Studies

Annual Monitoring Report on Gender Equality 2012

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The Annual Monitoring Report on Gender Equality is an important tool to strengthen institutional level accountability, learning and results focus in Irish Aid’s implementation of its gender equality policy.

In line with a strengthened organisational focus on managing for development results, Irish Aid’s work on gender equality needs to be able to demonstrate and communicate results. A key finding in our review of the Irish Aid Gender Equality Policy in 2010 was the need to strengthen accountability for the implementation of the policy. The Annual Monitoring report on the Gender Equality Policy is a key step in responding to this recommendation.

To date reports have been produced by the Internal Gender Network of Irish Aid for 2010, 2011 and now 2012. These annual reports enable management, staff and external stakeholders to monitor progress as well as identify gaps and learning across the programme. The report is not intended to be a definitive account of all work on gender equality in 2012 but instead focuses on highlights and results to facilitate increased understanding and shared learning on Irish Aid's work on gender equality.

The report finds that progress was evident in 2012 in meeting Irish Aid’s gender equality objectives, in particular in increasing access to health and education, agricultural inputs and extension services as well as caring for the survivors of Gender Based Violence.

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