Belgium: Enabel Real time Evaluation report

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The COVID-19 crisis is a recent unprecedented global crisis. Every country where Enabel is operational, albeit on a varied scale, is affected by COVID-19. Enabel has adapted and intensified its interventions, either to respond directly to the health crisis or to mitigate the secondary impacts. The aim of this evaluation, conducted by Cota1 and covering the 14 partner countries of Belgian development cooperation during the period from March to August 2020, is to document Enabel's response to the COVID-19 pandemic in real time and to understand the HOW and WHY of this response. The evaluation of Enabel's response to COVID-19 has the following objectives: (1) to assess the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on partner countries and Enabel's interventions; (2) to document how Enabel has adapted its interventions, on the one hand to respond to the health crisis caused by COVID-19 and on the other hand to mitigate the impact of side effects ; (3) assess the relevance and coherence of Enabel's response (alignment with the needs, strategies and priorities of countries, partner organisations and beneficiaries; coordination with external actors and internally between the Brussels headquarters and country offices, and between its different sectors of expertise, countries of intervention and programmes).

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