Beneficiary Satisfaction Survey and Evaluation Report: Istanbul Community Centre Project for Syrian People Under Temporary Protection in Turkey

Evaluation and bss report istanbul cc turkey final 01082016 png

The four-year conflict in Syria has caused the loss of thousands of lives and damaged many more. The crisis has also caused internal and external displacement. Four million Syrians are currently living in the neighbouring countries, and the crisis has spread over the region, producing further displacement into more safe areas. In Turkey, the number of Syrian people has surpassed 3 million; as of 25 July 2016 some 252,988 out of them are currently living in camps under the protection of the Turkish Government. Majority of these people consists of the most vulnerable portion of the population: mainly women and children.

In the protection camps, the Turkish Red Crescent (TRCS) is offering a variety of services including nutrition, shelter, and psychosocial support, thus contributing to the Turkish Government led operation for Syrian population.

Due to the influx of Syrian people into Turkey, the Turkish Red Crescent increased its efforts to provide support to Syrians living in urban areas. The assistance provided to the Syrian population was primarily maintained through the branches of the TRCS. The needs and vulnerability of Syrian people living in urban areas are increasing as their previously available resources are getting depleted. Thus, realizing that there is a structured system in place for supporting the protected Syrian population living in camps, the Turkish Red Crescent has been broadening the scope of its activities to address the needs of these people and aims to engage in action in urban areas as well through the launch of its community centre project.

Since the launch of its four community centres in Sanliurfa, Istanbul (Anatolian side), Konya and Ankara, the following services have been provided to the targeted beneficiaries: children programme, adult programme, referral services, seminars, orientation with host communities and other social services (e.g. art therapy, support to staff, etc.). Two more community centers are planned to be opened in the coming months (in Kilis and in Istanbul - European side), and several more community centres are envisaged to be opened until the end of 2016 and during 2017.

In the framework of its community centres` network, the Turkish Red Crescent is providing the displaced population – among others – with information on registration and other services offered by the Turkish Government. The TRCS, through its coordination and needs assessment capacity, is also aiming at referring people to the competent institutions for reaching services not offered by TRCS, including referral of cases to Government institutions and other community centres working in the area.

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