Research and Studies

Building a Global Learning Alliance on Adaptive Management

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International development organisations face increasingly complex and interconnected challenges. There is growing evidence that addressing these challenges effectively requires more systemic, innovative and flexible responses, building on new analytical and practical ways of working. At the heart of this 'adaptive management' is ensuring that evidence-informed decision-making becomes a routine part of programme delivery. This requires programmes to use a range of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) approaches more effectively.

Against this context, the Global Learning for Adaptive Management (GLAM) initiative was created, funded by the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Our primary vision is to create an active, globally networked learning alliance that promotes and supports 'adaptive rigour' by identifying which tools, skills, practices, relationships and incentives best harness the potential of MEL for adaptive decision-making. We will achieve this by focusing on three core areas:

  • Transformative technical assistance;
  • World-class research, learning and evidence on adaptive rigour; and
  • Convening and brokering a global alliance.
  • This initial paper explains GLAM, the context in which we are operating, and what we plan to do over the next four years.

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