Research and Studies

Building Livelihoods to Reduce Risk Among the Most Marginalised in Urban Areas: Strategic Approaches from Dhaka

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Urban poverty is mired in complexity, with a vast range of choices of issues for NGOs to engage in. Within the generic grouping of 'urban poor' are large disparities, concerning incomes, status, access and control of resources and respective levels of vulerability and discrimination. At the 'bottom' are the most marginalised. These are the 'hated poor' and include sex workers, drug users, the elderly and disabled, among others. For these, acess to almost anything is a daily challenge, and the basic need of dignity remains elusive. For such people, good shelter, effective services and land ownership may be a distant dream. This paper seeks to identify the most marginalized within Dhaka, and from that outlines the strategic approach developed by one NGO, CARE Bangladesh, to work with them. It ends with a brief discussion on NGO approaches to urban marginalization.

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