Building resilience and managing risk in fragile and conflict-affected states: A thematic evaluation of DFID’s multi-year approaches to humanitarian action in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and Pakistan

Terms of Reference

Decentralised evaluation study tors template thematic evaluation resil png

This document sets out the Terms of Reference for the thematic evaluation of four DFID humanitarian programmes in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Sudan, and Pakistan. This evaluation is expected to run from April 2014 until December 2017, with a 6 month inception phase.

The purpose of the evaluation is to generate learning and evidence on whether and how a multi-year humanitarian funding approach has enabled DFID programmes: 1) to ensure timely and effective humanitarian response; 2) to build disaster resilience; and 3) achieve better value for money. The evaluation will provide evidence to contribute to the management of these programmes at country level, and to inform DFID’s humanitarian policy more broadly. The evaluation findings are also expected to contribute to the global evidence base on good humanitarian practice and on how to build resilience in the most fragile and conflict-affected states.

Originally the DFID- Yemen humanitarian programme was included in the evaluation, but due to insecurity and limited access it has been replaced by the DFID- Pakistan humanitarian programme.

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