Research and Studies

Business and Disaster Risk Reduction - Good Practices and Case Studies

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The UNISDR Private Sector Advisory Group represents the wider private sector and works with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) to address disaster risk reduction in the sector. In early April of 2012 the UNISDR Private Sector Advisory Group began a coordinated effort to assemble global case studies that would stand as Good Practices in applying one or more of the Five Essentials for Business in their pursuit of Disaster Risk Reduction. An original fourteen cases were collected for the Fourth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, held 19 – 23 May 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. The information and insights from the Good Practice Cases focus on prevention and the power of applying one or more of the Five Essentials to reducing the risks and impacts from disasters. To help navigate the cases, each is color coded to reflect one or more of the Five Essentials employed in that case. Cases apply these essentials, as an example to, climate-related, financial, design, socio-economic, and environmental risks and/or risks to life posed by natural, hazard related. Within these cases, readers will find the strategies and tactics that illustrate how new working relationships, technologies, and creative solutions, can expand their organization’s overall transparency, understanding and ability to significantly reduce the impacts of disasters. Various types of collaboration and cooperation, core to the all Five Essentials are positioned as critical in minimizing or potentially eliminating disasters as well as disasters’ effects on people, property and ultimately, the health, economy and resilience of workers, communities, regions and nations. The UNISDR-PSAG will continue to expand the portfolio of Good Practices Cases and believes readers will find relevant concepts, guidance and inspiration among these pages.

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