This document reports the process and findings of a cluster evaluation of four nongovernment organisations (NGO) that were supported by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) in response to the 2005 Pakistan earthquake emergency under AusAID’s Cooperation Agreements for Emergency Response (CAER) Program. This report is a result of a review recommendation to accrue program performance information by evaluating a sample of partner NGO emergency interventions under the CAER. The stated objectives of the evaluation were to: 1) evaluate a sample of disaster response activities funded under the CAER; and 2) conduct a ‘once-off’ audit of the emergency needs assessment, planning, risk management, monitoring and reporting systems of signatory NGOs. A ‘cluster evaluation’ approach was selected by AusAID for efficiency and methodology reasons. The evaluation framework used for this CAER cluster evaluation was based on a framework developed by AusAID’s Community Programs Section (CPS) for a cluster evaluation of NGOs operating under the AusAID NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) in Cambodia during June 2005.