Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Cameroon PRRO 200552 Food and Nutrition Assistance to Nigerian and Central African Refugees and Host Populations in Cameroon: An Operation Evaluation

The evaluation covers the Cameroon PRRO 200552 operation “ Food and Nutrition Assistance to Nigerian and Central African Refugees and Host Populations in Cameroon”. It was intended for both accountability and learning and focuses on assessing: i) the appropriateness and coherence of the operation; ii) its results; and iii) the factors explaining the results. The original PRRO design included the following activities: 1) general food distributions relief package (GFD) 2) nutritional assistance using targeted supplementary feeding (TSF) 3) complementary feeding (CF) and Food by Prescription (Fbp) 4) food for assets (FFA) and food for training (FFT) support to reduce exposure of communities to disasters. The evaluation, which makes a number of recommendations for the future, was managed and conducted by a consultancy firm, with fieldwork taking place in February-March 2016.

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