Evaluations and Lessons Learned

CARE 2004 Haiti After Action Review of Response to Hurricane Jeanne

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This After Action Review examines CARE Haiti's response to Hurricane Jeanne, which hit the island in mid-September 2004. The AAR clearly examines positive and negative lessons learned, and also provides some suggestions for the Country Office. Lessons learned and suggestions are made for mobilization of resources, leadership/decision-making, planning and assessment, project implementation, logistics and security, and staffing. A media-specific lesson learned report is also included as an annex. Key lessons learned include:

  • Set up a contingency emergency plan (preparedness plan) that is permanent and pyramidal, given the scale of the emergency
  • Ensure good communication about the new structure and involve the community in decision making
  • CARE should urge authorities to develop plans that would reduce the impact of disasters on populations, as well as training for communities about their role in responding to and reducing the impact of disasters.

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