Research and Studies

Case Study: Nutrition Resilience: Participatory Analysis and Planning

High undernutrition rates and important disaster risks are common in humanitarian area of operation. Undernutrition causes, either structural or shock related, are complex and require in-depth, context based analysis. To foster this necessary analysis, joining nutrition and resilience, Action Against Hunger Cambodia mission has piloted an analysis package built around the notion of nutrition resilience. A Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) and a Participatory Resilience Analysis and Measurement (PRAM) have been conducted simultaneously in an Action Against Hunger intervention area. As a result, the NCA identified 14 major and important causes of malnutrition and the PRAM identified 15 weak capacities for resilience. Each of these elements were analyzed in detail. Based on those results, Action Against Hunger was able to prioritize a nutrition resilience activity package with a clear rational. The results of these analyses were then presented and discussed with each village supported by an Action Against Hunger intervention during a Participatory Community Action Planning (PCAP) process. Nutrition resilience community action plans were hence obtained to guide Action Against Hunger intervention but also to help community leaders approach other governmental or social initiatives.

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