Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Cash Programming in Haiti: Lessons Learnt in Disbursing Cash

Cash programming in haiti lessons learned in disbursing cash png

This document was a result of interviews with the following 17 organizations in Haiti (UNDP, WFP, Oxfam, Save the Children, ALL Hands, Fosac, Mercy Corps, Christian Aid, Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross, British Red Cross, Lutheran World Foundation, Fonkoze, Unibank, Voila, Digicel, and ACTED) in Feb 2011.These interviews were conducted over a two week period in Feb 2011 and constituted the first part of the fact-finding mission for the UNDP Lessons Learned in Cash Programming in Haiti. The second mission, which is by far the larger mission will spend 2 months in Haiti on the next phase of the fact finding, focusing on filling in gaps, and undertaking an understanding of the impact of cash programming, evaluation work and gaps in policy. This mission is expected to take place in Haiti in May and June 2011. The Final Report will be published later in 2011.

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