Guidance and Tools

Changing Humanitarian Action? Concept Note

ALNAP 31st Annual Meeting

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We live in times of profound change. This has had a great impact on humanitarian needs, and the approaches taken to meet these needs. Changes in technology, ecology, politics, economics and demographics have shaped, and will continue to shape, humanitarian action.

Many humanitarians and observers of humanitarian action have suggested that change initiatives in the sector have been unambitious and unsuccessful. Indeed, many people think that the humanitarian system is unable, or unwilling, to make the changes that are required to remain effective and relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Following the World Humanitarian Summit many stakeholders have made commitments to significant changes. But can the system change? And if so, how?

As a network which exists to support change and improvement, it seems appropriate that ALNAP meets to consider how change occurs in the humanitarian system, and how it can be done better.

Find out more about the 31st Annual Meeting by reading the concept note, or by visiting

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