On Thursday 7th May, the UN launches its new Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) framing global and country-level funding requests to support the Covid19 crisis response. [1]
Around the world, local civil society organisations are at the frontline of the Covid19 response to an unprecedented extent as many international aid workers have withdrawn and borders have closed. Yet the pace of efforts to get international funding or new kinds of partnership to local humanitarian NGOs is slow.
According to new analysis by Charter For Change of data available on the OCHA Financial Tracking System (FTS) as of Wednesday 6th May 2020, the level of funding to national and local NGOs stands at just 0.1 percent of total funding reported for Covid19 response to date.[2] This is far below the global commitment by UN agencies, donors and INGOs to ensure that at least 25 percent of humanitarian funding reaches national and local actors as directly as possible.