Since its inception in 2014, the Child Poverty Global Theme has been developing a strategic plan which aims at strengthening the economic dimension of Save the Children's programming across our breakthroughs of survival, learning, and protection. The application of child-sensitivity, gender equality, resilience, and rights-based programming, as well as the empowerment of youth and adolescents as economic actors, have been identified as some of the fundamental approaches of quality child poverty programming. However, to sate child poverty programming guidance that is specific to humanitarian contexts has been lacking.The Child Poverty Humanitarian Strategic Framework is intended to provide this initial guidance and se4t the overall direction of our humanitarian child poverty programming through the 2018 strategy period and beyond.
The Child Poverty Humanitarian Strategic Framework outlines how high quality, child-sensitive, and evidence-based humanitarian programming should be applied across our three sub-themes: Child Sensitive Social Protection, Child Sensitive Livelihoods, and Adolescent Skills for Successful Transitions.