Arabic Version
The humanitarian situation in Iraq continues to worsen due to the escalation of fighting and the intensification of military campaigns. Recent developments underscore the criticality for improving Child Protection response services and contingency planning in the likelihood of military offensives that will likely result in future large scale displacement in Anbar, Salahadin, Kirkuk, Erbil, Dahuk and Ninewa. Estimated populations in Mosul are approximately 1,859,000 individuals.
Based on the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan indications, it is assumed that 47% of the IDPs will be children, and overall, 76% of the population will be women and children, who will be facing specific needs and vulnerabilities while fleeing the military operations and trying to reach safety. Humanitarian access remains limited due to insecurity in some areas. Given resource constraints and humanitarian access challenges in some areas, emergency mobile teams are essential to immediately reach populations and respond to the needs of those fleeing during transit and after displacement.