Guidance and Tools

Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit

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The Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA) Toolkit provides all the information you need to conduct a CPRA over a five-week timeframe. It has been developed by the Child Protection Working Group members and piloted in over 20 emergency-affected contexts.

A CPRA provides a basis for defining child protection needs and existing support mechanisms in the immediate aftermath of a rapid-onset emergency. The objectives of a CPRA are to determine:

  • the SCALE of needs and protection risks
  • the PRIORITIES for the required response – including geographical and programmatic areas of priority, from which funding priorities can be agreed
  • HOW the response should be configured – including what existing capacities the response can build on.

Depending on the context, CPRA may also be useful for other purposes, such as:

  • creating an evidence-base for advocacy with stakeholders (armed groups, government etc.)
  • providing some knowledge of where the main information gaps are.

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