Child Rights Situation Analyses have been used to inform Save the Children’s strategic planning since shortly after the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) came into force in 1990. They became a central part of Save the Children’s planning cycle in the late 1990s. Over more than two decades, a considerable body of experience has been accumulated on good practice in carrying out such analyses. Much of this has been recorded in guidelines published by Save the Children members, Save the Children Alliance and now Save the Children International. These current guidelines draw on those experiences and provide tools and resources needed to develop a Child Rights Situation Analysis (CRSA). The document describes the components and sequencing that will result in a good CRSA, and includes tips on how to manage the process in particularly complex or challenging situations. While the principal use of a CRSA remains as an input into strategic planning, CRSAs potentially have a significant value to other aspects of Save the Children’s work.