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Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda - 5th Urban Research Symposium Concept Note

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The Urban Research Symposium (held every two years) is part of a research program conducted by the World Bank and a large network of partners, which vary according to the theme being addressed. Launched for the first time in 2002, the Symposium is distinctive because it provides a platform to both developing and developed country researchers to present their work, share their experiences, and debate subjects that are timely and relevant both from a research as well as a policy perspective. The Symposium provides a voice to cities in developing countries on issues that are important to them and aims at advancing the capacity of researchers and research institutions in developing countries. Academicians, practitioners, and decision makers from all countries are urged to participate.

The previous Symposia have focused on poverty reduction, growth and land policies. Approximately 300 to 400 participants have attended from North and South America (in the first Symposia) with increasing participation from African countries in the last two meetings. By holding the 5th Urban Research Symposium in Europe, one expects that more participants will come from the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia.

The experience of the last Symposia offers useful lessons. Firstly, it supports using a number of commissioned papers to identify the main policy questions and provide the depth of analysis to guide research in selected clusters. Top researchers are invited to author these papers bringing the most current knowledge and methodologies to be shared with a wider audience. Secondly, it validates the objective of bringing together researchers, policy makers, practitioners and interested staff from donor agencies and institutions. Lastly, the Symposium provides an opportunity to strengthen research capacity in developing countries, especially in the context of north-south partnerships organized to facilitate preparation of papers.

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