Citizens for Change

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This brochure provides a synopsis of the Citizens for Change project, which aims to reduce tensions between Syrian refugees and host communities in deprived parts of the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

The project involves setting up local committees and Youth Citizen Action Groups in six deprived areas of Tripoli: Bab Al Tabbaneh, Jabal Mohsen, Kobbeh, Abi Samra, Zahrieh and Bab Al Ramel, and set up a further Youth Citizen Action Group in the relatively more privileged area of New Tripoli.

These groups support local community projects and activities aimed at tackling tensions between Lebanese and Syrians, including easing pressure on resources. They also encourage greater social inclusion and enable marginalised youth in Tripoli to be more engaged in their communities by getting them involved in volunteering and local activities.

Citizens for Change is run in partnership with UTOPIA and funded by the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

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