Within the context of a comparative evaluation carried out in 5 countries1, the objective of the DRC case study was the analysis of pertinence and the results of a sample series of ten operations geared towards reinforcing Voice and Accountability (V&A) which can be seen as constituent element of governance in the broad sense, implies the existence of actors that are able to make their preferences, opinions and views heard on the one hand and the ability of the governing bodies (such as the state) to act transparently and respond to such appeals on the other. Using the framework developed by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) this country case study aims to contribute to the following overall objective of the joint evaluation: - An improved understanding of CVA among development partners by mapping and documenting their approaches and strategies for enhancing CVA in a variety of country contexts and to learn lessons on which approaches have worked best, where and why. - An assessment of the effects of a range of donor CVA interventions on governance and on aid effectiveness and whether these effects are sustainable.