Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Community Based Child Support Project Kirkos

Eth 1067 evaluation aethiopien png

Addis Ababa represents poverty and social challenges of the entire Ethiopia, ranking among the poorest in the world (HDI 2009: 171 of 182; Welthungerhilfe-Index: 30.8). The sub-city of Kirkos is one of the focal areas with lowest living standards, high unemployment, extremely poor housing and sanitary conditions and a high HIV/AIDS rate. The related huge number of orphans, semi-orphans and other destitute children and youth are in need of protection, support, orientation and a perspective for their future. The project aims at improving the socioeconomic living conditions to provide the basis for a self-reliant life, and to individually support the children in school attendance, education and training. The project pays a monthly amount to guardian households, provides school uniforms and other items to the students as well as vocational training courses for youth, and it organises saving & credit groups for the guardian household members.

Kirkos is one of ten sub-cities of Addis Ababa, comprising about 14.7 km² and featuring large slum areas. The total population of Kirkos stands officially at about 335,000. The project area is only one part of Kirkos with about 5,500 households and a total of 22,000 inhabitants.

People living in the project area are having different ethical and religious backgrounds. Many of them are migrants. HIV/AIDS is a prevalent problem. The major source of income for the inhabitants of Kirkos is petty trade within the sub-city and daily (unskilled) labour here and anywhere in the capital. As a consequence, the majority of the households in Kirkos are by all means poor. The city government actually is planning a major restructuring of the Kirkos area, including the construction of major roads and multi-storey buildings.

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