In preparation for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS), the WHS secretariat commissioned Ipsos to conduct community consultations with crisis-affected communities in multiple focus countries. The countries chosen for the consultations were Afghanistan, Guinea, South Sudan, Syria, and Ukraine, representing a diverse range of geographic regions, humanitarian contexts, and actors.
Ipsos conducted semi-structured interviews and community workshops in each country to gain in-depth information on how affected communities respond to crises, the role they see for international humanitarian responders, issues related to service delivery, and ways to improve identified shortcomings within the humanitarian system.
This complements the consultations with crisis-affected communities and stakeholder groups which took place in previous years and which were synthesized in the report, “Restoring Humanity: Global Voices Calling for Action.” This report highlighted the importance of involving marginalized populations in the planning of humanitarian responses, such as women, children, the elderly, the disabled, and displaced persons, and maintained a focus on security, dignity, and economic opportunity, emphasizing that: People’s safety and dignity must be considered the primary aim of humanitarian activity, regardless of the context or actor.