Community-led Ebola Management and Eradication (CLEME): Trigger Behavioral Change to strengthen community’s resilience to Ebola Outbreaks

Case Study - Sierra Leone

Acf cleme external dissemination june 2015 png

In order to support the response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone in May 2014, ACF has initiated an innovative approach for social mobilisation activities that mobilises the communities for improving control of the risks of transmission of Ebola at community level. The CLEME (Community Led Ebola Management and Eradication) programme aims at triggering the behavioural change needed by the communities to strengthen community resilience to the outbreak and prevent further resurgence by ensuring real and sustainable improvements.

This case study describes the CLEME programme's rationale and implementation and presents key findings and recommendations, which aim to inform future responses to similar crises.

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