Comparative Analysis of Syrian Refugees Staying In and Outside Camps: Kurdistan Region of Iraq Multi-Sector Needs Assessment Factsheet

September 2014

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UNHCR mobilised the REACH Initiative to conduct a Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) in order to provide aid actors with a clear picture of the profile and conditions of Syrian refugees staying in host communities. REACH was subsequently asked to support the Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) led by UNHCR and the World Food Program (WFP) by conducting a comparable MSNA for Syrian refugees settled in camps.

Combined, these two MSNA’s served to establish a comprehensive baseline dataset on the overall situation of Syrian refugees in the KRI. This factsheet aims to present a brief comparative analysis of this dataset, highlighting the differences between camp- based and out-of-camp Syrian refugees, in terms of their current needs and the assistance they received.

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