Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Comparing system design principles for mass customization and (traditional) customer driven manufacturing

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For the last years the concept of mass customization has gained broad attention within various branches of industry. Mass customization has been identified as a competitive strategy by an increasing number of companies. Accordingly theoretical, technical as well as managerial aspects have been studied aiming at a better understanding of this new paradigm. However, especially in Europe there is a long tradition of designing and manufacturing customer specific products such as machinery, ships and even cars. For this chapter we have analyzed various industrial cases, consultancy projects as well as research work in the broader field of customer driven manufacturing. We will identify a number of design principles for the appropriate design of customer driven manufacturing systems. Doing so, we will discuss concepts and principles for the design of manufacturing systems delivering a wide range of products and services that meet specific needs of individual customers. Synergies, similarities as well as limitations and potentials of both mass customization and (traditional) customer driven manufacturing will be evaluated.

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